NCSW and UNICEF are dedicated to making a positive impact on lives of women d children across country

Islamabad – The National Commission on the Status of Women (NCSW) has launched its flagship training program, “Pathway to Equality,” aimed at promoting gender equality, child rights, and women’s empowerment across Pakistan.

The inception meeting, held in Islamabad, brought together the first batch of an estimated total of 72 focal persons from Federal ministries and divisions, as well as media fellows from print, digital, and electronic media. This initiative was launched with the collaboration of the Federal ministry for Planning, development and special initiatives. The training program is a collaborative effort between NCSW and UNICEF, with the latter providing technical and financial support.

The program aims to raise awareness about gender equality, child rights, and women’s empowerment, and to strengthen the capacity of media and ministries’ focal persons to advocate for these causes. The training sessions, starting from the last week of August, will be held in the federal capital and across Pakistan, with refreshers and reporting mechanisms to ensure sustained impact.

Chairperson NCSW, Nilofar Bakhtiar, expressed hope that the program will lead to empowered women across all sections of federal and provincial ministries, and that media fellows will play a crucial role in monitoring the implementation of policies and laws for women’s equality and empowerment.

Officer incharge UNICEF Country Representative, Melissa Corkum, reiterated UNICEF’s commitment to supporting initiatives for women and children in Pakistan, emphasizing the importance of education and equal opportunities for all.

The “Pathway to Equality” program is a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and equitable society in Pakistan, and NCSW and UNICEF are dedicated to making a positive impact on the lives of women and children across the country.

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