Private sector rethink its role in combating climate change, Sherry

Senator Sherry Urges Businesses to Prioritize Sustainability at American Business Council’s 2nd ESG Awards

Islamabad : American Business Council’s 2nd ESG Awards, Senator Sherry Rehman delivered a compelling message to the private sector, urging businesses to rethink their role in the global fight against climate change and environmental degradation.

Speaking to a gathering of industry leaders, Rehman emphasized that surplus is what drives the market, but it is crucial that this surplus is reinvested into sustainable practices. “We turn to markets at the multilateral level,” she stated, “but the market will not deliver on its own. It’s not a charity. So we need to intervene. The world’s banking sector has rolled out $7 trillion to the fossil fuel industry. Unfortunately, the global south continues to bear the brunt of climate catastrophes, and there’s not enough money or capacity in the public sector to make a transformational shift.”

Rehman challenged the corporate world, asking, “Would companies that don’t invest in greener futures become merchants of denial , or will they step up to change the course of history and become the companies that care ? A return of compassion is needed in the 21st C, full of conflicts and climate catastrophe, so all new paths to foreign and development policies should be re-grounded in ethical frameworks and the sense of morality we have lost sight of in global forums . We have lost sight of these values which we will need to reinvigorate action that is too limited and too business as usual .”

Senator Rehman stressed the urgency of timelines for action, noting that by 2025, Pakistan will face severe water scarcity, with cities like Cape Town already rationing. “The myth that climate change catastrophe will not reach your doorstep is just that—a myth. If we don’t intervene proactively, it will come to your door, not metaphorically, but literally.”

Senator Rehman urged businesses to commit to zero net emissions and to understand their carbon footprint. “At a national level, Pakistan contributes less than 1% of global emissions, yet if others don’t act, the consequences will reach us all. Climate change is not just an environmental issue; it is a national security priority.”

She also criticized the jargon that often surrounds climate discourse, saying, “The terms like conservation and climate change have become cliches. They don’t motivate people towards action. We need to find new ways to communicate the crisis—ways that make the future habitable.”

Addressing the ESG responsibility of businesses, Rehman called for greater investment in sustainability. “You need to demonstrate that you are not extractive. Every commercial you make should have a green filter. Promote circularity, save resources, and understand that the 21st century cannot be extractive. No amount of elite privilege will save you from the serial discomfort of a world in crisis.”

Senator Rehman concluded with a call to action: “Businesses have a responsibility to give back. Consider how you can be part of the solution, not just for the sake of profit, but for the future of our planet. Understand that catastrophe is connected, and so is compassion.”

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