The NAP Apex Committee promises to respond appropriately to all security threats

The Apex Committee of the National Action Plan has committed to address any security-related issues that may arise and to guarantee that the constitution and laws are implemented in accordance with public expectations.

Anwaar-ul-Haq Kakar, the caretaker prime minister, presided over the Committee on Tuesday in Islamabad.

Heads of all civil and military agencies, concerned federal ministers, provincial chief ministers, and the commander of army staff were all present at the meeting.

The participants conducted an in-depth analysis of the nation’s internal security status in order to address potential issues in a long-term way.

The meeting’s attendees decided that the state’s authority would be maintained despite all obstacles.

The decisions made by the Apex Committee include the expulsion of illegal foreign nationals living in Pakistan, the formalization of border crossing rules, which will restrict travel across the border to those with valid passports and visas, and action against illegal immigration, including a crackdown on illegal foreigners’ trade and property.

A task force has been established inside the Federal Ministry of Home Affairs to look into bogus enterprises, properties, and identity cards in order to deal with illegitimate properties and identity cards.

The Forum reaffirmed the necessity of advancing and bolstering current operations against expanding illegal activities such as drug trafficking, stockpiling, smuggling of food and money, illicit remittances, and power theft.

The Apex Committee emphasized that only the state has the right to employ force, and neither individuals nor organizations will be permitted to do so.

Any political armed group or organization has no place in the nation, according to the Committee, and anybody engaging in such actions will face harsh punishment.

The fact that Islam is a religion of peace and that the state will not permit anyone to use the faith to further their political agenda was also emphasized.

The Committee declared that the government will uphold the rights that minorities have under the constitution and Islam.

The forum stressed the need for stringent enforcement of cyber laws against those who promote propaganda and misinformation.

The Apex Committee reaffirmed its commitment to upholding the values of faith, unity, and discipline in their truest form while making unceasing efforts to further the nation’s growth.

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