Pakistani Surgeon Accomplishes Remarkable 15kg Tumour Removal in Complex Surgery

In a remarkable medical achievement, a Pakistani surgeon, Dr. Rashid Minhas, has successfully conducted a complex surgery at District Headquarters (DHQ) Hospital in Khanewal to remove an enormous 15kg tumour from a 27-year-old woman, Haseena Bibi, as reported by local media on Friday.

Hospital sources confirmed that the surgery was performed with great precision, resulting in the complete removal of the tumour. The patient is currently in the recovery phase, and her family expressed immense joy and gratitude towards Dr. Minhas for the successful procedure.

It is worth noting that a tumour is an abnormal mass of tissue formed when irregular cells cluster together. Tumours can impact various parts of the body, including bones, glands, organs, skin, and tissues. While not all tumours are cancerous, they may still necessitate medical treatment.

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