Poland, meeting of Sistema Italia to strengthen synergies

Poland : The Ambassador of Italy to Poland, Luca Franchetti Pardo, chaired a meeting of Sistema Italia involving the Italian Trade Agency (ICE), the Italian Chamber of Commerce in Poland, Confindustria Polonia, AICE Poland, and COMITES, which took place at the Embassy. The meeting represented a key step in the process of planning the promotional activities of Sistema Italia in Poland for 2024, with a view to continuing the journey towards the intensification of economic and political relations that characterises bilateral Italian-Polish relations.The meeting enabled participants to observe the strengthened economic prospects and increased opportunities for bilateral cooperation, also in connection with the global macro-trends of international trade and the internal political and economic framework of Poland. The participants then shared the activities being planned by the various components of Sistema Italia in Poland. “This holistic approach, which I strongly advocated,” commented Ambassador Franchetti Pardo, “aims at identifying effective strategies, promoting synergies and maximising the efficiency of Italian initiatives in the Country.”

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