8th Abdul Razzak Arain  Ramadan Night Rocball event started

Karachi  :  8th Abdul Razzak Arain Ramadan Night Rocball & Futsal events from 26th to 30th March 2024 held at Mini Sports Complex Nazimabad Karachi. Organized by Pakistan Students Olympic Association-R & Pakistan Rocball Federation-R

Opening ceremony Chief Guest President Sindh Catchball Association Azmat Pasha and President Pakistan Students Olympic Association Maqbool Arain.

Rocball Matches
1st Match
Hunza Club beat Saheed Ghulam  Murtaza, (2-0) Sets and Goal (1).

2nd Match
Pak Kashmir beat Shaheed Ghulam Murtaza, (2-0) Sets Goal (5).

3rd Match
Khanabad Superstar  beat Hunza club(2-0)  Sets and Goal (4).

4th Match
Pak Kashmir beat Khanabad, (2-0) Sets Goal (4).

Semi Final, Third Position and Final Match will be on 27th March 2024. 9.30 pm.

On this occasion Shariq Siddqui Secretary Pakistan Rope Skipping Federation, Azeem Ul Shan DG Basketball PSOA, Arshad Khan Coordinator PTF, Amir Kafayat, M. Akhter Secretary Rope Skipping, Saleem Uddain Babar, Ahmed Khan, Awais Malik were also present.

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