The duty porter demonstrated exceptional honesty handed over a jewelry box to the owner.

Karachi : The duty porter at Multan International Airport, Yasir, demonstrated exceptional honesty when he discovered a jewelry box at the International Briefing Area around 01:15 p.m. This incident occurred during the briefing for the Multan-Bahrain flight of Gulf Air GF 789. Without hesitation, Yasir promptly informed the Duty Terminal Manager (DTM) about the finding. Utilizing the airport’s CCTV system, the DTM successfully located the rightful owner within approximately twenty-five minutes. The jewelry inside the box was valued at five lakh ten thousand rupees. After confirming the ownership at around 01:55 p.m., the DTM handed over the jewelry box to the passengers. The passengers expressed their gratitude and commended the airport officials, particularly Yasir, for their integrity.

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