Pakistan and China Enhance Collaboration in Mainstream Media


On October 21, 2023, Pakistan and China solidified their commitment to bolster cooperation within their mainstream media. This development occurred during a meeting between Minister for Information and Broadcasting, Murtaza Solangi, and a Chinese media delegation led by China’s Political Counsellor, Miss Bao Zhong.

Key agreements included the focus on highlighting China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) projects through PTV, Radio Pakistan, and APP, as well as the strengthening of practical cooperation in joint reporting and the exchange of media delegations.

Minister Murtaza Solangi emphasized the significance of media in raising public awareness about the vital role of CPEC and the robust friendship between the two nations. He also expressed Pakistan’s commitment to enhancing ties and cooperation with China across various fields during the new phase of high-quality CPEC development.

Furthermore, the Chinese political counsellor expressed the intention to make CPEC a “corridor of love” and pledged cooperation in IT, agriculture, the industrial sector, and media, in addition to sharing China’s experiences in poverty alleviation, research and development, information technology, and more.

The meeting was attended by key figures, including the Federal Secretary of Information and Broadcasting, Executive Director General EP Wing, Managing Director of APP, Director General of PBC, and Director of Current Affairs at PTV

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