No seat enhancement in Medical and Dental colleges is possible without the approval of the council: PM&DC

Islamabad : In the larger interest of the organisation it is clarified that PMDC has not agreed to 20% seat enhancement for MBBS and BDS programs in public /private colleges. Further, no application has been received to PM&DC from KPK government nor PM&DC has inked any approval for any such seat enhancement. Provincial /regional authorities can enhance it’s seats in medical and dental colleges with due approval from PMDC which is the apex regulatory body of the country. It is pertinent to mention that PMDC has a set criteria, rules, regulations and standards in line with the global commitments for its recognition with WFME. Recognition of MBBS /BDS programmes and enhancement of seats is done in a due procedure which includes formal requests by provincial Governments or individual colleges through Ministry of Health . PM&DC is a national regulatory body and according to the law no province can work or announce any enhancement independently. PM&DC firmly disseminates that seat enhancement in public or private colleges is subject to completion of the due process.

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