OIC Calls for Immediate Ceasefire and Aid Delivery in Response to Israeli Aggression Against Palestinians

The Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) has issued a strong statement calling for an immediate end to Israel’s aggressive actions against the Palestinian people and the swift removal of the siege on the Gaza Strip. In an extraordinary open-ended meeting of the OIC’s Executive Committee, which convened at the foreign ministers’ level, the organization made several key demands and expressed deep concerns about the ongoing conflict.

The OIC urged all nations to promptly provide humanitarian, medical, and relief assistance, including essential supplies such as water and electricity. It also called for the establishment of humanitarian corridors to facilitate the safe and timely delivery of urgent aid to the Gaza Strip.

The organization unequivocally condemned the direct targeting of Gaza’s Al-Ahli Baptist Hospital, which resulted in the tragic loss of innocent lives. It described this act as a war crime, constituting extermination, and a blatant violation of international humanitarian law.

Furthermore, the OIC called upon the international community to hold Israel accountable for these serious war crimes committed against the Palestinian people. It expressed deep disappointment over the United Nations Security Council’s inability to establish international peace and security and protect unarmed civilians.

The OIC specifically appealed to the United Nations and the UN Security Council to take immediate measures to halt the brutal aggression against Palestinians, particularly in the Gaza Strip and across Palestinian territory.

The organization emphasized the importance of preserving the sanctity of holy sites in Al-Quds, particularly the Al-Aqsa Mosque, and preventing any violations or desecration of these sacred places. The OIC condemned the international community’s perceived double standards, granting impunity to Israel while it continues its brutal attacks on Palestinians.

To address these concerns, the Secretary-General of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation has been tasked with engaging with the five permanent members of the UN Security Council and other influential entities to compel Israel to cease its violations, attacks, and crimes, and to work towards providing international protection for the Palestinian people.

The OIC affirmed its support for the inalienable rights of the Palestinian people, including their right to self-determination and the return of Palestinian refugees. The organization expressed the Palestinians’ right to independence and the establishment of an independent and sovereign State of Palestine within the 1967 borders, with Al-Quds Al-Sharif as its capital.

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